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Guilty pleasures

Flowers have always been a huge passion in my life, growing up there were always huge vases of garden florals on display. So it was pretty inevitable that i would follow suit.
I believe there are flowers to match every feeling and they can evoke wonderful memories. I hope to provide you with the same beautiful memories, or help you create your very own new ones to cherish with your families.

Samara xx

Fave places

I am in love with france for the historical culture but 
most of all the food! Give me all of the cheese and wine and i am in my element.
Japan is on my bucket list, i would love to wander around the beautiful gardens... 

I cannot get enough of the cheesiest of romantic movies, you know the ones...where you know what the ending will be 5 minutes in!
My poor husband has to sit through them and will deny to his very core that he's watching it, but every now and again you catch him eyeing the telly! bless him.

Not many people know....

I love country music....yep i said it!!! I am obsessed and truly believe that Dolly is actual royalty.
When i can i love nothing more than putting on my cowboy boots and toe tapping at a country concert! There is just something about the deep lyrics that calls to my soul.

Fave people

My incredibly supportive hubster, Our two beautiful boys and our bengal cat called "Presley".

Best part of my job

The final reveal to my couples is always the greatest feeling. Seeing the wonder on my clients faces when they finally see that their vision has come to life after all the planning.
It really gives me all the feels....cue tissues lol

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